Posts by City of Powell

Finance Department receives award

The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to the City of Powell by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). 

Powell Crossing lawsuit settlement

The City of Powell resolved the lawsuit arising from an unconstitutional Charter Amendment with a payment of $1.8 million. This payment will be made through a combination of funds contributed by the City ($950,000) and the City’s insurer, Great American Insurance Group ($850,000).

Meet the City’s new Zoning Inspector

Meet Brenda Pearl, the City’s new Zoning Inspector! She is responsible for zoning inspections, responding to complaints about zoning and property maintenance, and finding new violations. 

She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in International Studies from Wright State University. She is currently a graduate student at The Ohio State University, obtaining a Master in City and Regional Planning.