City Clerk


The Powell City Clerk is appointed by City Council and serves as clerk to Council. As a part of these duties, the Clerk prepares and posts agendas and legislation, attends meetings and prepares minutes. All correspondence for City Council members may be directed through the Clerk.

The City Clerk also publishes all public notices as required by law.

Public Records

The City Clerk is the custodian of all City documents and public records. The City of Powell, through the Clerk, will make public records available upon request. The fees for copying of documents are the actual costs as set forth in the current Fee Schedule for the City of Powell. Complete details regarding the availability of public records may be found in the City of Powell Public Records Policy.

Requests for records may be made in person between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, by phone, fax or online through the link below. A written request is not required but will help staff facilitate the request for public records. Refusal to complete a request form does not impair the requestor’s right to inspect and/or receive copies of the public record. (O.R.C. 149.43 (B)(5))

Agendas and Minutes

Public Records Request Form

Records Retention Schedule


Elaine McCloskey
Clerk of Council
614.885.5380 ext. 1002


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