The City of Powell’s 2024 operating budget is now published and available for review on the City’s website.
The operating budget is one of the most significant projects and pieces of legislation completed each year by the administration and City Council. Procedurally, the proposed budget is prepared based on input and feedback from City Council, direction through various committee meetings and the results of the most recent Community Attitude Survey. Following two readings, it is adopted by City Council through an ordinance.
“What this budget says to our residents is that we are taking the income from the tax restructuring into our city, and into our future through our reserves,” said Mayor Tom Counts.
Four policy initiatives guide the budget process each year:
Accessible online through ClearGov, interested parties can review items by fund summary or department. The document also outlines the 2024-2028 Capital Improvements Plan, including the funding policy.
“The community attitude survey showed our residents want a well-maintained city, and the 2024 budget allocates a significant amount of money toward these improvements,” Counts said.
City administration looks forward to continuing the progress Council has set in motion. It’s an exciting time to live and work in Powell.