Memorial Day Flag Refresh

As we approach Memorial Day, the City of Powell proudly continues its tradition of honoring our brave veterans with a special flag refresh ceremony at the Powell Cemetery. Our dedicated community members and staff have come together to ensure that every flag in our city stands tall and pristine, symbolizing the unwavering gratitude we hold for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Join us this Memorial Day as we pay tribute to the courageous men and women who have served our nation. Let’s come together to remember their legacy, celebrate their bravery, and ensure their stories are never forgotten.

Event Date: May 27th

Time: 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Location: Powell Cemetery

We invite all residents to participate in the flag refresh. Your presence and support mean the world to our veterans and their families.

Let’s make this Memorial Day a day of unity, reflection, and respect. Together, we stand strong, united in our appreciation for the heroes who have defended our freedoms.


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