Small Cell Design Standards (2023)(PDF, 1MB)
This effort establishes general procedures and standards for the siting, construction, installation, collocation, modification, and removal of small cell facilities and wireless support structures within rights-of-way.
Downtown Parking Study (2022)(PDF, 3MB)
This effort outlines parking research, public outreach, stakeholder meetings, and analysis of recent studies to understand public parking options and challenges within the Downtown District.
Real Estate Market Analysis (2018)(PDF, 21MB)
This effort conducted a citywide market analysis to determine where the City should focus its development growth which maximize public resources and investments.
Downtown Architectural Guidelines (2016)(PDF, 18MB)
This effort defines architectural guidelines, best practices, and additional considerations for new construction and renovation of buildings in Powell's historic Downtown District.
Downtown Street and Circulation Plan (2016)(PDF, 30MB)
This focused effort explored design concepts and identified new potential street and alley connections that could alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow throughout the Downtown District.
Comprehensive Plan (2015)(PDF, 10MB)
This effort establishes Powell's guide for long-term growth covering a wide range of topics such as land use, community character, transportation, and fiscal health of the City.
Pedestrian Scale Design Manual (2009)(PDF, 2MB)
This effort establishes guidelines, best practices, and design considerations to achieve a built environment that is safe, attractive, appropriate, and supportive (friendly) to pedestrians.
Downtown Powell Revitalization Plan (2004)(PDF, 12MB)
This effort prepared a targeted plan for Powell’s Downtown District to identify development potential that enriches the areas streetscape, businesses, and links downtown with the rest of the city.