Public Service and Engineering Department


The City's Engineering Department is responsible for the design, planning and construction of City-initiated public development projects, and the review and inspection of all privately installed public improvements. The department reviews such things as grading, utilities and roadways for new developments. The engineering department oversees the annual Sidewalk Maintenance and Replacement Program, as well as federally mandated storm water regulations.

Street Maintenance Program

Every two years the Engineering Department evaluates each street in the City to evaluate their condition and assign a rating. Based on these ratings, the Engineering Department determines which maintenance procedure is appropriate for each street. When determining which street to include in the program, the Engineering Department considers factors such as street rating, classification (e.g. local road vs. thoroughfare) and the allocated street maintenance budget.

2020 Street Condition map legend

Sidewalk Program

The Engineering Department inspects sidewalks each year in order to protect the health, safety and well-being of the residents through the annual Sidewalk Program. It is the responsibility of abutting property owners to maintain sidewalks along their property. If the City identifies a sidewalk in need of repair, the abutting property owner will receive notification of the repairs needed and an estimated cost. Residents can choose to opt-in or opt-out of the City's program.

Storm Water Program

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II is a nationally federally mandated program with which the City has been involved since 2003.

As a part of this program, municipalities such as Powell must designate part of their services to help protect water quality by regulating storm water discharge from a variety of sources. This includes public education, public involvement, the elimination of illicit discharges, construction site storm water runoff, post-construction storm water management and pollution prevention.

For drainage concerns, complete an Online Service Request. This goes directly to the City's Public Service Department.

View the MS4 Map

Use this map to view details on stormwater systems including catch basins, manholes, curb inlets, and storm mains.



Grant Crawford

Director of Public ServiceGrantCrawford.jpg
614.885.5380, ext. 1065







Aaron Stanford

Aaron Stanford City Engineer
614.885.5380 ext. 1042

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