Delaware County gearing up for 2020 Census

Census Day is April 1st. Where you live on that date determines where you are counted for the U.S. Census (students in college on April 1st should list their college address when completing their form).

Census information impacts the daily lives of residents, informing important decisions about funding for services and facilities in the community, including health care, senior centers, jobs, roads, schools and businesses. More than $675 billion in federal funding flows back to states and local communities each year based on census data.

Responses to the Census are secure and protected by federal law. Your answers can only be used to produce statistics—they cannot be used against you in any way. By law, all household and business survey responses to the U.S. Census Bureau are kept completely confidential.

Online Responses Accepted for the 2020 Census
-New in 2020, each home will receive a postcard invitation to respond to a short questionnaire — by phone, mail or online.

-Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone or by mail.

Visit here for more information. 


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